Waste Management

Garbage Stickers

Garbage stickers are $2.00 (orange) for a 13-gal. bag or $3.00 (pink) for a 30-gal. bag. Stickers are available for purchase at:

  • Tracy Memorial Hall

  • Citgo (at the stoplight)

  • Stewart’s (Church St.)

Garbage stickers are also available by mail. Village residents may either send via mail or leave a check in the Clerk’s Office lockbox located at the entrance of Tracy Memorial Hall along with your name, address, the number of stickers, and whether they are $2 or $3 stickers.

Garbage Pickup

County Waste picks up garbage and recyclables throughout the Village on Wednesday mornings, until about 1:00 pm. County Waste is doing single-stream recycling in the Village of Chatham. That means all recyclables can be mixed together. 

Residents’ garbage and recyclables should be placed at the curb in front of their residence no later than 6:00 am on Wednesday mornings to ensure that they will be picked up. There is no charge for recyclables. Paper, glass bottles, plastic recyclables, and cans may be placed together in the recycling bin. County Waste provides carts for recyclables. Residents may also use their own carts. Click here to visit the County Waste Wizard where you can search any item by name to learn the correct manner of disposal.

Your garbage will not be picked up if:

  • It is not bagged

  • It does not have the correct sticker

  • A 30 gal. garbage bag has only a $2.00 sticker

  • It weighs over 20 pounds

Holiday Schedule:  Pick-up will be one day later, on Thursdays, for the following major holidays:  New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, and Christmas Day unless otherwise specified on the Announcements Page.

For more information, contact the Village Clerk.

Columbia County Transfer Stations

For info about Columbia County Transfer Station locations, hours, policies, and fees click here.