Where can I buy garbage stickers?
Tracy Memorial Village Hall
Citgo (at the stoplight)
Stewart’s (Church St.)
What day is the garbage picked up?
County Waste picks up garbage and recyclables throughout the Village on Wednesday. If certain holidays fall on a Monday, or due to inclement weather, pick up may be delayed by a day. Delays will be announced on on the website, via email to subscribers, and on the Village facebook page. read more
Is there a local solid waste transfer station?
Columbia County Solid Waste Department transfer station is located on Rte. 295 between Chatham and East Chatham. The transfer station is open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 7:30 am-4:00 pm. The current list of fees can be viewed here.
When will leaves and brush be picked up?
Village of Chatham Department of Public Works will pick up leaves and brush for a few weeks in the Spring and Fall. The schedule may vary depending on the weather, but it usually happens in April and November. An announcement will be posted on this website and will also appear in the Village Newsletter included with your water bill. For more information, contact the Village Clerk.
When will I receive my Village tax bill?
Village tax bills are mailed on June 1 and are payable to the Village of Chatham during the month of June without penalty. A 5% penalty is added in July and an additional 1% each month thereafter.
When will I receive my water bill?
Water/sewer bills are mailed quarterly around December 1, March 1, June 1, and September 1.
When is the Village Board of Trustees meeting?
Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Tracy Memorial Village Hall. All meetings are open to the public. Special meetings will be posted on this website and announced in the Register-Star and The Columbia Paper.
When is election day?
Village election day is the third Tuesday in March. Elections are held at the Tracy Memorial Village Hall.
Can I leave my car parked on the street overnight?
Overnight parking on Village streets is prohibited from 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. unless so designated per local law.
When is the Tracy Memorial Village Hall open?
The Village Clerk's Business hours are 9 am-1 pm Monday-Thursday, closed on Friday. The Tracy building is open Monday-Friday for access to other offices such as the Building Inspector/Codes Enforcement Officer, Town Court, and Police Department. The Village Clerk drop box at the front door will continue to be used as well. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at (518)-392-5821, ext.5921 or ext. 5922.